Monday, April 18, 2016

Mother's Day Gifts

So if you are like me and come from a branching family you may have multiple Mother's to buy for, for Mother's day. Throw in the added complication of none of them are local and you start to have a little bit more of a difficult decision to make. If they were local we could go to brunch and buy them a nice potted flower or something. Since I have to mail our gifts, not only do I have to plan ahead (to allow time for it to arrive) but also buy something that can obviously be shipped. Please tell me that I am not the only one with this issue.

So the only thing to do is to spend countless hours scoring the internet looking for something that shows our love and appreciation of all these wonderful women do and have done for our family, while staying within a reasonable budget. Not an easy task I tell you. 

In comes Amazon to save the day. I am an Amazon prime member (totally worth it in my opinion) so shipping is free and will probably only take about 2 days. Imagine my surprise when the took it up a level and created this:

This will seriously help me. At the very least it has compacted my scouring down to one place!! 

I also recently smelled a sample of the Jo Malone Candle/fragrances...OH MY GOD PEOPLE!!! The Peony and Blush Suede Scent is to die for!!! But then I looked them up and they are like $65 a piece. Multiplied times 4 (3 Mother's to buy for and me :) is not in my budget...but one day I will have one of those. They really do smell that good!

Jo Malone Candle

Much closer to my price range are these Philosophy I Think You Are Wonderful gift sets. They are actually cheaper and have free shipping on Amazon right now so I will link from there. (Always looking out I know ;). I really enjoy Philosophy products and I think this would be good for my mom and step-mom, but I am not sure about my mother in law.

I also really like Kendra Scott right now and figure that the Moms would probably like that too. They are on sale right now (see sale post here). They also just started advertising these beautiful gift sets! 
Kendra Scott Gift Set

Let me know if you have any great ideas for your Mother's Day gifts - Especially if they are shipable (is that a word??).

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